Thursday, June 23, 10 AM
We have all seen them: keyboard players who, once introduced to the organ, can never let go. They’re͞ hooked! We know that they are out there, and we know how much "swimming in schools" can do to assist them in furthering their skills. We need to see many more of them taking part in our chapters. In an effort to bring prospective organists into contact with the local AGO, the Committee on Continuing Professional Education has created a valuable new online resource. Come and learn how it works, how to use it to find prospective organists, and what to do to help them advance as an organist once they are found. You may be surprised how much energy this process can bring to chapter activity.
In his capacity as AGO National Councillor for Education, Don Cook is placing particular emphasis on harnessing the power of current technology in the educational work of the Guild. Since 1991 he has served on the organ faculty of Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. In that capacity he has blended multimedia with traditional one-on-one instruction in teaching beginning organ instruction to well over 5000 pianists. Prior to that time he held full-time organist positions at First UMC, Lubbock, Texas, and at Christ Church Cranbrook, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. He received Bachelor and Master of Music degrees from BYU, the DMA from the University of Kansas, and holds the AAGO certification.