The AGO and the Pre-AARP Generation: How to Cultivate, Engage, and Support Young Organists

Matthew Burt

Tuesday, June 21, 9 AM

This panel will discuss ways in which chapters of any size can better serve members and potential members under the age of thirty. Leaders of the newly formed chapters for young organists will offer their perspectives as young members of the AGO, including their positive and negative experiences of guild programs at the local, regional, and national level. Please bring your questions, your stories of success, and your challenges to share!

Matthew Burt, AGO Councillor for the West Region, is the director of the Task Force on Young Organists. The task force was founded in the summer of 2014 as a way to help the guild better serve organists under the age of thirty. After nine months of productive conversation, the task force proposed the foundation of seven regional chapters for young organists as a means of recruiting and retaining young organists, and ensuring their continued engagement with the AGO.