Thursday, June 23, 8 AM
Grand Ballroom E
Explore the full functionality of ONCARD, the AGO’s Online National Collection and Remittal of Dues system now used for membership recruitment and retention by more than 260 chapters. This workshop will provide a deep dive into the powerful capabilities of the ONCARD software with demonstrations of its key features by Leah Semiken and Ashleigh Hendrix, two of the Guild’s most knowledgeable and experienced AGO staff members. The workshop is designed to be of greatest value to chapter officers including deans, treasurers, and registrars, but is open to everyone. Plenty of time will be allocated for questions and answers.
Leah Semiken has been the Manager of Membership and Chapter Relations with the AGO since 2012. She played a large role in implementing the switch to national collection of dues as well as the AGO’s migration to a rolling dues system. She continues to work hand-in-hand with the chapter officers on allthings membership and ONCARD related.
Ashleigh Hendrix joined the AGO’s National HQ staff as Membership Assistant in February 2014. She has played a major role in getting chapters started with the initial rollout of ONCARD, and enjoys helping chapter officers and members discover the benefits of the new ONCARD system. She moved to New York City ten years ago, and is originally from...Texas!