Tuesday, June 21, 9 AM
The goal of my workshop is to introduce choral/vocal technique that will enable choir directors to start or continue successfully working with children choirs of all ages. The topics of workshop include: developing beautiful tone, ear training, independent singing, uncertain singers, singing with poise and expression. The Treble Choir of Houston at Christ Church Cathedral will serve as a demonstration choir for this workshop.
Marianna Parnas-Simpson graduated with a Master’s degree in Choral Conducting from the St. Petersburg Conservatory, Russia. She founded the award-winning St. Petersburg Girls’ Choir, KAMERTON, which she directed for ten years before coming to the United States. Since 1999 Ms. Simpson has taught at Parker Elementary School, a Houston ISD magnet school for music. In 2005, she was named Teacher of the Year by her fellow teachers at Parker Elementary. In 2006, Marianna founded Treble Choir of Houston, a youth choral ensemble. Her choirs have been selected to perform at Carnegie Hall, TMEA, OAKE and National ACDA multiple times. She has conducted numerous children’s chorus festivals and workshops in the United States and internationally. From 2008 to 2010 Ms. Simpson served as the Artistic Director of the summer program for the American Boychoir in Princeton, NJ. Her latest international engagement was conducting several children’s choruses in Shanghai, China. In May 2015 Parker Elementary School Chorus will be performing Mahler 3rd Symphony on stage of Jones Hall with Houston Symphony Orchestra conducted by the world renowned Maestro Andres Orozko–Estrada. Additionally, Marianna is a founding member of the highly acclaimed professional choral ensemble, Houston Chamber Choir.